The VMapLocateControl
component is used to geolocate the user.
Required @leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol extension.
$ npm install @leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol
$ npm install @leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol
import '@leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol';
import '@leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol/dist/leaflet-locatecontrol.css';
import '@leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol';
import '@leaflet-extensions/locatecontrol/dist/leaflet-locatecontrol.css';
For Nuxt
<script setup lang="ts">
if (process.client) {
await Promise.all([
// @ts-ignore
<script setup lang="ts">
if (process.client) {
await Promise.all([
// @ts-ignore
Basic usage
Name | Type | Description | Default |
position | The position of the control (one of the corners of the map). See types for possible values. | ControlPosition | ExtraControlPosition | 'centerright' |
layer | The layer that the user's location should be drawn on. | Layer | a new layer |
setView | Set the map view (zoom and pan) to the user's location as it updates. Options are false , 'once' , 'always' , 'untilPan' , or 'untilPanOrZoom' | boolean | string | 'untilPanOrZoom' |
flyTo | Smooth pan and zoom to the location of the marker. Only works in Leaflet 1.0+. | boolean | false |
keepCurrentZoomLevel | Only pan when setting the view. | boolean | false |
initialZoomLevel | After activating the plugin by clicking on the icon, zoom to the selected zoom level, even when keepCurrentZoomLevel is true. Set to false to disable this feature. | false | integer | false |
clickBehavior | What to do when the user clicks on the control. Has three options inView , inViewNotFollowing and outOfView . Possible values are stop and setView , or the name of a behaviour to inherit from. | object | {inView: 'stop', outOfView: 'setView', inViewNotFollowing: 'inView'} |
returnToPrevBounds | If set, save the map bounds just before centering to the user's location. When control is disabled, set the view back to the bounds that were saved. | boolean | false |
cacheLocation | Keep a cache of the location after the user deactivates the control. If set to false, the user has to wait until the locate API returns a new location before they see where they are again. | boolean | true |
showCompass | Show the compass bearing on top of the location marker. | boolean | true |
drawCircle | If set, a circle that shows the location accuracy is drawn. | boolean | true |
drawMarker | If set, the marker at the users' location is drawn. | boolean | true |
markerClass | The class to be used to create the marker. | class | LocationMarker |
compassClass | The class to be used to create the marker. | class | CompassMarker |
circleStyle | Accuracy circle style properties. | PathOptions | see code |
markerStyle | Inner marker style properties. Only works if your marker class supports setStyle . | PathOptions | see code |
compassStyle | Triangle compass heading marker style properties. Only works if your marker class supports setStyle . | PathOptions | see code |
followCircleStyle | Changes to the accuracy circle while following. Only need to provide changes. | PathOptions | {} |
followMarkerStyle | Changes to the inner marker while following. Only need to provide changes. | PathOptions | {} |
followCompassStyle | Changes to the compass marker while following. Only need to provide changes. | PathOptions | {} |
icon | The CSS class for the icon. | string | 'leaflet-control-locate-location-arrow' |
iconLoading | The CSS class for the icon while loading. | string | 'leaflet-control-locate-spinner' |
iconElementTag | The element to be created for icons. | string | 'span' |
circlePadding | Padding around the accuracy circle. | array | [0, 0] |
createButtonCallback | This callback can be used in case you would like to override button creation behavior. | function | see code |
getLocationBounds | This callback can be used to override the viewport tracking behavior. | function | see code |
onLocationError | This even is called when the user's location is outside the bounds set on the map. | function | see code |
metric | Use metric units. | boolean | true |
onLocationOutsideMapBounds | Called when the user's location is outside the bounds set on the map. Called repeatedly when the user's location changes. | function | see code |
showPopup | Display a pop-up when the user click on the inner marker. | boolean | true |
strings | Strings used in the control. Options are title , text , metersUnit , feetUnit , popup and outsideMapBoundsMsg | object | see code |
strings.popup | The string shown as popup. May contain the placeholders {distance} and {unit} . If this option is specified as function, it will be executed with a single parameter {distance, unit} and expected to return a string. | string | function | see code |
locateOptions | The default options passed to leaflets locate method. | LocateOptions | see code |
No events.
Name | Description |
default | The default slot can be used to extend behavior. |
Name | Description | Type |
locateControl | Leaflet locate control instance. | Ref<LocateControlExtension | null> |